Check here frequently to stay informed about To The Churches ministry.
2023 – Additional materials in progress. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- January to December – Several (free) Grants offered this year by TTC to assist churches, leaders, and congregations. (Grants provided by anonymous donor.) Formal consulting with regional and local churches and ministries in progress.
- January to December – TTC continues to provide informal consulting to churches and church leaders via a national online discussion forum with thousands of Christian leaders involved.
2022 – Additional materials in progress. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- January – Lead Consultant / Coach Gary Avant recieved another certification (CCC - Certified Church Consultant) by a national certifying organization. Two well known Pastors / Consultants provided oversight and final authorization for his certification. Both Pastors / Consultants noted how deeply experienced and knowledgeable Gary already was in church consulting / coaching.
- January to December – Several (free) Grants offered this year by TTC to assist churches, leaders, and congregations. (Grants provided by anonymous donor.)
- January to December – Continuing from last year, TTC is providing informal consulting to churches and church leaders via a national online discussion forum with thousands of Christian leaders involved.
2021 – Additional materials in progress. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- January to December – Several (free) Grants offered this year by TTC to assist churches, leaders, and congregations. (Grants provided by anonymous donor.)
- September – TTC joined a well established national online discussion forum with thousands of Christian leaders involved, to connect with and help churches and church leaders.
2020 – Additional materials in progress. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- January to December – Several (free) Grants offered this year by TTC to assist churches, leaders, and congregations. (Grants provided by anonymous donor.)
- February – Denominational Association meeting, San Diego, CA. TTC attended a meeting by a local association of churches. The discussion was about recent lessons learned by several local churches and leaders.
2019 – Additional materials developed. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- February to December – Several (free) Grants offered this year by TTC to assist churches, leaders, and congregations. (Grants provided by anonymous donor.)
- March – Discipleship Demonstration, San Diego, CA. TTC attended a "D-group" (Discipleship Group) demonstration by a church Association to assess the quality and usefulness of these particular materials, and offer assistance to take next steps in Discipleship success for this particualr Association.
- August – Denominational Convention, San Diego, CA. TTC attended a "convention" meeting by a large association of churches. The discussion was about issues in the Church in general, issues in the association churches, and how this association could address current and future issues. TTC offered services to the ministers that attended, and to the association group leaders, which were well received.
2018 – New materials developed. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- March – Several (free) Grants offered this year by TTC to assist churches, leaders, and congregations. (Grants provided by anonymous donor.)
- October – Church Association Conference, San Diego, CA. TTC attended the 1-day conference. This was the 76th Annual Celebration of this particular church Association, which included the Association churches and various leaders coming together to worship, pray, connect with each other, and conduct Association business. New focus of the Association this year is on “church revitalization” since it was noted that “80% of our churches plateaued or in decline…”. TTC is well positioned to help and is offering assistance to this Association and its member churches.
2016 – New materials developed. Alignments with international ministries expanded.
2015 – New materials developed. Alignments with ministries and churches expanded.
- October – Affinite Magazine interview with TTC Coach Dana Avant – about Marriage and Finances (2 parts). Posted online on the Affinite Magazine website.
- June – Future Conference, San Diego, CA. TTC attended the conference for 4 days. We focused on notable national speakers who were addressing church issues. Topics we focused on included current evangelism trends, how Christians should react to upcoming economic challenges, religious freedom, managing the media, and various current cultural issues - all from a Christian perspective.
2013 – New website design launched - including "responsive" design for use on mobile devices.
2007 – Ministry started. Website launched.
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